Agriculture Rentals

Our products meet the specific technical requirements set out in state and federal regulations for the agricultural and food processing industries. We can make sure you are GAP compliant.
( Good Agricultural Practices)

In the General Section of the audit, sections G-7 through G-12 pertain specifically to the sanitation for your workers and are worth 75 points of a 180 total points on the General Questions section of a GAP audit. In Section 2, Field Harvest and Field Packing Activates, section 2-2 through 2-5 are worth 40 points of a 185 total points for this section. Proper sanitation for your workers in not only beneficial to the health & safety of your workers and your produce, but also worth 115 points on a GAP audit. Don’t risk poor quality and a poor audit, make sure you have GAP compliant equipment in place for your field workers.

  • Employees are required to wash their hands before beginning or returning to work
  • Readily understandable signs are posted to instruct employees to wash their hands before beginning or returning to work
  • All toilets/ restroom/ field sanitation facilities are serviced and cleaned on a scheduled basis.

All our representatives are highly experienced and waiting to assist with any of your Agriculture Rentals- large or small! Contact us today!